is a philosophy of life.

It reflects an attitude to relate and communicate with others.


“Plus Plus” means: I am OK (+) I respect myself and YOU are OK (+)/ I respect you

It is the essence of mutual respect.

Here we propose models and methods to advance along the path of mutual respect, in all areas where we interact, both professionally and personally.


If I put myself in a (- / +) position, I undervalue myself, I don’t dare to express what I think, feel or need.


If I put myself in a (+ / -) position I need to dominate the other and I consider that obviously I’m the one who knows best, who is right.


How can we have positive, constructive and satisfying relationships if we are not in a relationship of mutual respect?

*A Reading of relationships formalized by Eric Berne, founder of Transactional Analysis.

Some Applications:

Efficient leadership

A “+ / +” leadership fosters adaptability, creativity and productivity.

Partners’ relational agreement

“The fish rots from the head”. The relational quality between business partners is fundamental.

Gender Equity

There are many factors external to the company that come into play in a woman’s career.

Couple relationships

Fostering a “+ / +” attitude has implications in all spheres of life, both personal and professional.

Life positions, a key to better communication.

*A Reading of relationships formalized by Eric Berne, founder of Transactional Analysis.



We will understand how we communicate, how we motivate and go under distress.

Horse Coaching

The horse is a scanner of our posture, revealing our strengths and areas of improvement.


The mediator will favor the conditions for the parties to get out of the tense situation where they are blocked.

Karpman’s Triangle

Are you somebody’s Savior, Persecutor or Victim? Let’s identify these psychological games.


We will live collective intelligence based on active listening, benevolence, and constructive feedback.

Aliocha Mussy

“ Expert in transition process management.”

Born in Tahiti to French parents; I spent my childhood in Ivory Coast after a short time in Morocco. I arrived in Paris at the age of 13 and came to live in Spain in 2004.

Multicultural life

This experience of international life marked by change and diversity has fostered my interest and curiosity in the differences and meeting points between people.

My mission

It is to encourage that the differences between people add instead of subtract… that they complement each other instead of opposing each other… it is to facilitate that people adopt a “+ / +” attitude of mutual respect in the different areas of life.

Professional career

Qualified as a lawyer, I decided many years ago to dedicate myself to consulting, mediation and coaching.

I’m certified in: Mediation, Coaching, Horse Coaching, Process Communication Model©, Co-development, PNL and more…


Fluent in 3 languages: French, Spanish and English, I love to work in international and multicultural environments.

Our success stories


“Lectus, nonummy et. Occaecat delectus erat, minima dapibus ornare nunc, autem.”​
Testimonial Image

Lily Granger​


“Lectus, nonummy et. Occaecat delectus erat, minima dapibus ornare nunc, autem.”​
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Jeson Foxx


“Lectus, nonummy et. Occaecat delectus erat, minima dapibus ornare nunc, autem.”​
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Ron Burnwood


“Lectus, nonummy et. Occaecat delectus erat, minima dapibus ornare nunc, autem.”​
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Judy Sewell


“Lectus, nonummy et. Occaecat delectus erat, minima dapibus ornare nunc, autem.”​
Testimonial Image

Anne Mcfadden

Let’s talk to co-construct your solution!

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